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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 299/365
665 streak
Day 1,877
Day 1,903
big SAAB
Not little beetle. This is a piece of art in a corner of the old town of Aarau, a long-term-parked car.
Day 1,983
back home after a rainy day
We made a 20km bike trip with our pupils through the pouring rain in order to see an exhibition. Normally we'd probably ha...
Day 2,040
Feeru Vispa gorge
Day 2,060
THE curve
… at least when we talk about circular train viaducts. I don‘t know if there is anything like this elsewhere in the world. The engineers of...
Day 2,070
the sea?!
Nope. The little lake on top of the Grimselpass. Foggy all day…
Day 2,071
Is this what I think it is?!
I took this pic at about 1am last night out of our hotel room and when I looked at it on my computer now I discovered thi...
Day 2,090
Day 2,121
Day 2,124
the wow mountain 😂
Off for a weekend in Kandersteg. When we stepped out of the train everybody just said ‚wow!‘ and took out the smartphone to take a...
Day 2,154
In a larch forest above Lötschental valley
Day 2,196
Christmas handycraft
Tried something with star-shaped bokeh. Did not work too well yet.
Day 2,217
Christmas walk II
Day 2,220
Lago di Lugano
Bella passeggiata da Caslano via Cassina d' Agno e Neggio per ... Caslano.
Day 2,234
Last night a friend called. She needed an 'emergency' illustration for a story that will be published in a local newspaper... So I starte...
Day 2,256
green tube
with lots of shit in it :-D
Day 2,278
Day 2,279
More than 20'000 people were demonstrating for peace in Bern today. We were not there physically but at least with our thoughts!
Day 2,281
#theme-freedom #standwithukraine
Day 2,305
enjoyed walking an a bit longer way home
Day 2,307
Stars and red 'stars'
We passed a beautiful weekend on Grimsel Hospiz
Day 2,313
theme vernal?!
Day 2,318
wednesday evening sky
Day 2,327
green city
we spent almost all day on the castle hill