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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 299/365
665 streak
Day 2,328
probably THE staircase of Ljubljana
Day 2,340
trying something new
Flying as a bird. Well, not as far as a bird maybe 😅, but it was cool!
Day 2,361
new toy :-)
Day 2,385
the structure of light and shadows is due to many tiny clouds in my back
Day 2,409
on the way
Travelling to my two godchildren. It was tempting to post a pic of the moment when I held little Mian in my arms for the first time, but si...
Day 2,415
flower in the golden hour
#sunset #flower #goldenhour
Day 2,442
how many frogs do you see?
#frogs #frogpond #waterlily
Day 2,463
in my hand
that camera is just too heavy for one-handed shots :-P #hand #mirror #camera #selfie_IG
Day 2,469
old and new
Two generations of locomotives today at the festivities of 175 years of railways in Switzerland in Delémont.
Day 2,500
S. Cam
My godchild took some photos with my camera today. She is only 2 years old and was more interested in the little wheels on the cameras than in...
Day 2,572
Christmas lights switched off
Today we went out for dinner because it was Thomas' birthday 😃 On the way back we saw that the Christmas decorations had...
Day 2,601
aurora borealis :-)
Not the only, but one of the reasons why we travelled so far to the north :-)
Day 2,618
try and error?
We found this color scheme testing on a wall of one of the old storehouses.
Day 2,650
bee likes my bike
Day 2,736
BSC YB Schwiizermeister!
The local football club became the champion and received the cup today and a friend and me were there live in the stadium 😃
Day 2,761
I just left them there after taking the pic, but nobody noticed them as long as we were in the restaurant ;-)
Day 2,764
found this sweetie by the wayside
Day 2,789
I like the colors, but...
... there was one guy riding over the bridge with his bike who had a cute dog in the bike's basket. I would have liked to ta...
Day 2,794
hey, what are you doing?!
#thingswitheyes #goggly-eyes #building-site #road-signs
Day 2,800
pictoresque village
Bergün/Bravuogn is known for the crazy and scenic railway to Preda (Albulapass) and in winter time for the long toboggan road from...
Day 2,817
Badenfahrt day 1
A huge festival all over the city with concerts, restaurants, art installations, theatres, … and loooots of people
Day 2,830
trash or treasure?
#theme-nasty #motion-blur #graffiti
Day 2,836
#theme-multiple-exposure #speed #motion-blur #pattern #train
Day 2,861
his hand #7
#hold #bridge #theme-man #hand