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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 303/365
669 streak
Day 1,586
Look whom I found!
The Pulpo Takeover, day 11 ๐Ÿ™ Today we continued with sorting out old pictures and I discovered many pics with that little beetle. S...
Day 1,594
No energy
The Pulpo Takeover, day 19 ๐Ÿ™ I've got a tummyache. I think I ate too much of the ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ˜”
Day 1,598
Day 1,601
Day 1,602
such a beautiful flower!
Day 1,604
last rays of sun
a walk 'around the house'
Day 1,608
first raindrops
Last it was raining on March 29, so it was really special to see the first raindrops on the window today! #theme-orange
Day 1,611
Today I needed to go to Bern for the first time since more than 6 weeks. It felt like going on an excursion and before returning home I dr...
Day 1,612
Tipical Swiss 'midland' landscape on a rainy day.
Day 1,613
old machine
We discovered this machine on a little walk, not too far away from home. Maybe it is an old punching machine. #theme-technology
Day 1,615
Alte Aare
Today we decided that it was time to take the car out of the garage and look if it was still working. We've not been using it for 7 weeks no...
Day 1,616
in and out
#theme-shadow-play #monochrome
Day 1,619
compact building?
What is real? Our residential area seen in and through windows
Day 1,620
three weeks later
Same place as
Day 1,621
A place with a view
After making my classroom as 'corona-proof' as possible for monday we walked up the Wasserfluh. I can see this mountain on the way...
Day 1,623
On my way home after the first 'normal' day at work. Strange.
Day 1,625
future sunflower
Post-lockdown-jetlag-day. I am no more used to getting up at 5am... But honestly I never was!
Day 1,626
Day 1,627
grumpy ghost
I can understand him. He is living next to the highway on the acoustic insulation wall and maybe he was displaced when the highway was bu...
Day 1,628
sweet texture
#theme-textures #meringues #re-colored
Day 1,630
the noise absorption wall has little windows which are, as the wall itself, almost completely covered by graffities. It is fun to peek through...
Day 1,634
Old city
We made a bike trip around the Rheinfall and through the Schaffhauser vine cultivating area called Klettgau. We discovered many beautiful vil...
Day 1,635
In the casemates of the Munot Fortress at Schaffhausen. A special medieval place! If you look well you can discover a portrait photography which...
Day 1,637
by the way