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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 303/365
669 streak
Day 1,679
new building
#theme-parallel #architecture #swiss-government #astra #uvek
Day 1,682
Here I am! The Firefighter 😆
Day 1,683
Monet's Garden
Very artistic second day of our holidays!
Day 1,685
Pointe du Hoc
One of the places where the allied forces started reconquering France on D-Day on 1944. Impressive.
Day 1,687
Part of what was the WW2 harbour at Arromanches. So much concrete still there after 76 years. Not only here...! It is intere...
Day 1,691
La plage et la comète
After a nice bicycle tour we went to the beach for the sunset. And for the comet NEOWISE too, if you take a close look!
Day 1,692
old and new technology
slow and fast - wind and fuel - what more contrasts do you think of when you lok at this pic?
Day 1,693
Phare de Mean Ruz
At the coast of pink granit in Brittany, France 😍
Day 1,694
the city and its railway viaduct
Day 1,695
end of the world
Finistère. Western end of France at least 😄
Day 1,696
Pointe du Cormoran
A little walk along the coast after a day at Brest
Day 1,697
the earlier part can be found on
Day 1,699
Obelix, are you there?
Day 1,700
Tidal stream
Believe it or not, there is a road under this chute-like stream. When the Golfe du Morbihan is as low as the sea outside, you‘ll be able...
Day 1,701
côte sauvage
big waves (for me as a Swiss landlubber at least) at the beautiful wild coast of the Quiberon peninsula. Last full day in Brittany, but a...
Day 1,702
At the Guerande peninsula. I had never seen such a thing as these never-ending salt gardens through which we made a little bicycle tour, impress...
Day 1,703
the city and the cathedral
Bourges. We stay here over night on the way back to Switzerland. I found out that there is a lovely illumination spectacle...
Day 1,704
unexpected artwork
On our way home we stopped at a small French village, Chateau-Chinon, to be honest just because ot the ‚Chateau‘ (Castle) in its na...
Day 1,705
lantern for the Swiss national holiday
Day 1,706
blue sailors by the Aare river
blue sailors is a more poetic name of common chicory and matching perfectly with it at this place.
Day 1,707
Chaos or not? That's the question...! Anyway, too lazy to take the tripod out. Noise like hell 🤔 #theme-flat-lay
Day 1,708
hi again!
Here is Pulpo taking over the #creative-animal-tuesday again after Jazzie's holidays! #theme-flat-lay #the-pulpo-takeover
Day 1,709
corn field
After sunset. Shortly before I took that pic we saw a fox disappear into this field. No way to see him. I am sure he was sitting 2 meters a...
Day 1,710
tiny amazonas
Giessen creek is a riverlet flowing together with the Aare river at Belp