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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 303/365
669 streak
Day 1,712
a sunny spot in the dark forest
A forest is good place to be on a hot summer day :-)
Day 1,713
Wrong time of the day!
I hope this hedgehog is fine. He should not be running around at daytime, specially not at such a hot day as today. There was a...
Day 1,715
You know it's summer time when the 26 fountains in front of the Federal Palace in Bern are splashing #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,716
under the cloud
A thunderstorm. Much wind, some rain, but the thunderstorm decided to go elsewhere.
Day 1,717
power pole and power sky
Day 1,720
Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher
The remains of the other glacier of Grindelwald. No need to say that 100 years ago we would probably not have been standi...
Day 1,721
The Eye of the Chameleon
My little friend sitting on the microphone and encouraging me not to make too many mistakes while playing the saxophone. #the...
Day 1,722
The Eye of the Owl
The little owl wanted to join the creative animal tuesday as Pulpo became a bit lazy recently. But she is a bit too shy to come out...
Day 1,723
The Eyes of the Viking and the Owl
Are they flirting? But the owl seems not to looking at the viking... probably it's complicated. Another detail I fo...
Day 1,724
Day 1,726
by the wheel
We finally needed to get rid of all the dead flies we 'collected' on the front of our car during our holidays in France. Some kind of a t...
Day 1,727
100 years old. Today!
The hydroelectric power plant, not my bike 😅
Day 1,730
... yesterday's work. So I can do the best in my quarantine day. If this happens often, my little godchild will get self made clothes...
Day 1,733
musical forest
we found this little piece of street art (or should I say path art?) by coincidence during a little walk #forest #beatles #the-beatles
Day 1,734
summer over?
Day 1,737
weather forecast 3
Day 1,738
weather forecast 4
Cloudy? Where?? #theme-weather
Day 1,739
weather forecast 5
Day 1,741
weather forecast 7
In the Tropenhaus Wolhusen, a tropical greenhouse. The app did nof course not know the weather inside the house - it was much warme...
Day 1,742
little sun
in my hand
Day 1,744
or: my pandemic fridge half a year later... #theme-fruit #my-pandemic-fridge
Day 1,745
noo, don't let me down!
#theme-fruit #fruits-with-eyes
Day 1,747
are we one? or are we many? #theme-fruit #fruits-with-eyes
Day 1,748
I survived...
... today's hike. They only ate the grapes 😅