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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 303/365
669 streak
Day 1,777
Autumn in the frog pond
Day 1,778
color change
Day 1,779
Day 1,780
Day 1,781
fallen leaves
Day 1,782
Day 1,783
a walk in the oak wood
#tiny-people #walking-man #theme-fall
Day 1,785
frames. many.
Day 1,787
frames. frames!
Day 1,788
bus station
Intercity express train 20 minutes late. Means waiting 2 hours for the next regional train... 😡 did the best with the time and took some p...
Day 1,790
travelling home
Day 1,791
Day 1,792
Hi, I am Mic!
Day 1,793
Japanese Lanterns
Physalis alkekengi
Day 1,794
Hi! I'm Cam!
Day 1,795
This is how a teacher looks after 8 lessons 😅🤪🤷‍♀️ #theme-halloween #selfie
Day 1,796
larch trees
Day 1,797
in the forest
Day 1,800
'I never read I just look at pictures' and friends
Day 1,801
Day 1,802
cook books
Day 1,803
stairway to the fog
Day 1,804
Day 1,805
mirror-selfie with street lamp