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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 303/365
669 streak
Day 1,806
reflections of summer
#theme-reflections #butterfly #mirror
Day 1,807
#theme-reflections on a saxophone
Day 1,808
the train is landing
The approach to the main train station of Bern at night feels a bit like you're landing on a city airport, because on one side yo...
Day 1,809
Day 1,811
the sun reflecting in a little mirror lying under my small palm tree #theme-reflections
Day 1,813
Day 1,815
cold evening
chaotic combination of different architectural elements and decades #theme-chaos
Day 1,816
Day 1,818
Day 1,819
morning sky
and several triangular mountains ;-) #theme-triangles
Day 1,820
Day 1,824
Aareschlaufe 2
with triangle nr. 10 ;-) #theme-triangles
Day 1,826
I stayed at work far too long and took this quick shot on my way home.
Day 1,827
first snow :)
Day 1,828
old dog
and probably nobody understands why it is prohibited to walk this path with a dog. #theme-black-and-white
Day 1,829
Day 1,830
advent calendar
Day 1,831
in the forest
I converted this pic into black and white for the weekly theme. Its mood became much more spooky. #theme-black-and-white
Day 1,832
Day 1,833
Grandpa's Moliere
Day 1,834
Day 1,835
well... is this all?
Day 1,836
waiting in front of the oven
pizza #theme-details
Day 1,837
lens on fire 😅