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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 1,963
vacuum cleaner - a natural enemy of little beetle?
Construction site, day 17 - it becomes more and more evident how our new kitchen is going to look!...
Day 1,965
we found the perfect hideaway for the beetle The world from the point of view of #little-beetle
Day 1,966
starting to look like a kitchen!
Construction site, day 18 - soon almost finished! But due to covid the new kitchen won't be finished the day after to...
Day 1,967
looks like it's finished?!
Construction site, day 19 - kitchen furniture finished, still some details missing AND not yet connected to electricity and...
Day 1,971
want to fly?
He is not sure yet. And so am I about the end of the Beetle series. Soon I will have 100 Beetle-from-behind pics (almost) in a row. I cou...
Day 1,972
The world from the point of view of #little-beetle
Day 1,973
exploring a palm tree
The world from the point of view of #little-beetle #theme-spring
Day 1,978
coffee machine fully concentrating on its job
#things-with-eyes This idea came to me when I was preparing coffee. Needed to make a double espresso ins...
Day 1,979
weather change ahead
We went on a walk with different options to get back home by train if necessary. Which turned out to be a good plan since it star...
Day 1,980
may. maybe
Day 1,981
red and green
Day 1,984
what is this?
Day 1,985
Day 1,986
Aare channel
We made a long long bike ride from home to the Lake Biel and back
Day 1,987
Day 1,988
last minute tulips
Day 1,989
old house in the forest
Ticino 😍
Day 1,990
if he could talk...
...I think this tree would have a long story to tell us! I never saw a tree with branches that grew ‚together‘ several meters abov...
Day 1,991
Day 1,993
Day 1,994
roofs and mountains
Day 1,996
'stairs building' #theme-architecture
Day 1,998
rainy day
Day 1,999