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Just remembering life
#6 360/365
1 streak
Day 1,869
After the storm
Apparently the wind blew all the clouds away for a day off sunshine, finally. The bright green is making me happy - I know the trees a...
Day 2,002
Memories of the past
Day 2,003
Shiny and new
Hands always look freaky at this angle
Day 2,005
Further progress
Day 2,011
still hard at work
you know what else is exhausting? ripping tiles off a wall. hundreds and hundreds of very old tiles. but at least this is really re...
Day 2,012
this dust has become our new life
it covers everything in the house, our bodies, and the insides of our noses and lungs. #LongLiveTheDust #NeverNotSan...
Day 2,015
Finally not hard at work
Day 2,016
I'm reading. It's raining. I'm still reading. No books were harmed; the rain eventually gave up.
Day 2,020
a journey to the outside world
Day 2,026
the moon attempts
Day 2,027
familiar nothingness
i'm sure i have this exact or very very similar photo at some point in here as well. :l
Day 2,029
have you met our turtle?
Day 2,039
football on nicklodean??
My boyfriend that I was kidding when I told him about this
Day 2,044
coming home
Day 2,046
Day 2,051
Day 2,058
Day 2,061
Day 2,062
Go free, little turtle
We've had a turtle in our pool and finally got a chance to relocate him to a pond nearby. The poor guy was often walking around...
Day 2,101
Day 2,122
this is a dog and book journal now
Day 2,126
Coming back to tookapic has me looking closely at things I usually skim past. My light apparently has a mirror in it, who knew?
Day 2,129
pillow fort safety
Day 2,132
Gray is great for recovering from tiring and stressful days