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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." "Progess is coming from having fun, not taking it too seriously and practising a lot".
#4 313/365
1 streak
Day 1,408
Wood Anemone
Day 1,407
Home Sweet Home
Day 1,406
Stormy Weekend
Day 1,405
Two Years
Day 1,404
Day 1,403
Lumps and Bumps
Day 1,402
Come on! Stupid pictures!
Day 1,401
Stormy Weekend
Day 1,400
Glimpse of light on a dull day
Day 1,399
Driving Home?
Day 1,398
Late Walk
Day 1,397
Day 1,396
Light & Shadow
Day 1,395
Second Vaccination Today
Day 1,394
Day 1,393
Moody Flowers
Day 1,392
New Pipeline
Day 1,391
Steaming Water
Day 1,390
Rainy Summer
Day 1,389
A Mess
Day 1,388
Who Loves Yoghurt?
Day 1,387
Granny's Mandrill
Day 1,386
Late Walk
Day 1,385
Tired Friends