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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." "Progess is coming from having fun, not taking it too seriously and practising a lot".
#4 313/365
1 streak
Day 149
It's us!
I had to change the image from today to this image because I prefer this one in my stream. I took this image in the late afternoon, after we...
Day 148
Morning Bath
My dog enjoyed her morning bath today :-) But she couldn't convince us taking a bath as well! #october #afternoon #sunday #dog #sea #beac...
Day 147
Morning Sun
A great start in the day. #morning #october #saturday #sunrise #stones
Day 146
We spent way too much time on the highway today. So many road works.... #friday #evening #car #sun #highway #september
Day 145
Too much!
I had to drink soo much for this photo ;-) #thursday #evening #pentax #september #theme-beer
Day 144
The fly was on the image by chance :-) #evening #wednesday #beer #fly #macro #pentax #september #theme-beer
Day 143
Macro Practice 3
This butterfly got lost in our house today. He helped me, taking my pic today and I helped him finding the way out. Perfect! #afterno...
Day 142
My favorite beer, Jever! #evening #monday #macro #pentax #september #theme-beer
Day 141
Macro Practice 2
It was quite windy today, so everything was moving. Not the best time for macros. #morning #sunday #macro #marshmallow #pentax #septe...
Day 140
Macro Practice
Today I decided doing more with my macro lens, to get more experience with it. #afternoon #saturday #macro #dandelion #september
Day 139
Morning Tour
During our morning tour today, with wife and dog. #morning #friday #tree #sun #sunrise #september
Day 138
No Autumn!
I found some leaves on our grass and was trying a first autumn pic. But there's still so much time for autumn pics. No! Here are some bloss...
Day 137
Just a Tool
Today nothing really worked, so here is my backup. #evening #wednesday #macro #tool #september
Day 136
Another Candlelight
My wife got several of these candleholders from my daughter as presents. #evening #light #dark #tuesday #lights #candles #candleli...
Day 135
#evening #monday #dark #candles #candlelight #september
Day 134
Today in this forest I felt like being part of Lord of the Rings. Don't know why. I hadn't been surpised, if Frodo said "Good morning" to me :)...
Day 133
Got a call from my wife. "Take your camera and go out, there are great raindrops on the trees!" Thank you :) #morning #saturday #drops #raindrops...
Day 132
New Beetle
Time for a new Beetle pic today! #morning #friday #vw #beetle #september #vw-beetle
Day 131
It was late and I had still no idea, what to photograph today. When I took out the trash we had this great sunset. Okay, image number 131 #thur...
Day 130
New Lamp
Okay, it's a streak... had to install our new lamp, not to take any pics :) #evening #wednesday #lamp #streak #september
Day 129
Still Hot Today
It's still extraordinary hot for september today. So it's the best time for some water experiments. Taking such image is on my list fo...
Day 128
It's quite hot today... The best you can do, is taking a cold shower and enjoying a cold beer! #evening #monday #grass #raindrops #pentax #sept...
Day 127
Fan Club
I found this fan club during a bicyle tour today morning. #morning #sunday #animals #cows #september
Day 126
Night Sky
First try taking an image of the night sky. #saturday #night #dark #stars #night-sky #september