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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 198
waving through a window
Waiting for our annual poker tournament (which sort of is the highlight of my christmas)
Day 202
end of the decade
Feels weird to say this.
Day 210
doom(ed) days
This hasn’t really been the best week. My studying is not going too well and today I got to uni almost 2 hours late because of a train a...
Day 215
Going home in the dark. (The missing pic from some days ago is coming soon btw, I’ve been too lazy to download it from my camera)
Day 216
in the middle of the night
Just me (looking like a jacket lol) coming back at like midnight.
Day 228
error 404
So I got a new water dispenser and I am OBSESSED with it. Also it looks like my head is on fire which is definitely on purpose.
Day 231
it’s been ages
Guess who finally managed to get a haircut.
Day 237
let me have some peace
Last exam for this semester tomorrow, then just one paper left.
Day 242
what if this storm ends?
Quite a storm outside. And it has my mother’s name, which is weird.
Day 244
off duty
How did I get so behind on uploading again? Work is sort of killing me this week.
Day 248
weekend loneliness
I had absolutely nothing to do so I spent my night playing games with grandma. At least she was really happy about it ☺️
Day 253
lost at uni
I had to pick something up in a different building and it took me a while to find.
Day 271
my favourite person
Meeting up with my friend Joline while I’m already in the Netherlands.
Day 272
old friends
Catching up (by phone) with one of my best friends who is going through a difficult time now (although we all seem to be).
Day 274
write it out
Germany is pretty much being shut down because of the coronavirus and the only thing that helps is writing down how I feel. (my camera ti...
Day 286
fun in the sun
That was such a beautiful day. It’s a shame we can’t go out much further than the garden.
Day 298
When suddenly your eyes and head hurt like hell and you feel like throwing up. I had to wear sunglasses all day inside.
Day 310
apple blossom
I always thought cherry blossoms are my favourite but this year the apple tree looks so beautiful that I might have found a new love.
Day 311
couch potato
Day 315
think about things
I tried to sort of recreate a scene from the movie ‘The Two Popes’ that I watched recently. This week I’ve been having a bit of a h...
Day 29
tuning out
Yet another day of being home a few minutes before midnight. Not a bad one, but surely an exhausting one.
Day 36
things are looking up
Quite a different perspective for today.. and I'm done with exams!! Hope I'll manage to take some better pics soon again
Day 38
oh rainy day
That moment when you’re supposed to go partying but it’s just so damn rainy and all you actually want to do is curl up with a blanket.
Day 53
My day was kinda unproductive today.