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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 296
drink to love
Group skype call with my colleagues. I don't think I have ever missed a group of people as much as I miss them.
Day 301
waiting for the end
This looked much better in my head.
Day 321
just a day
Life is boring.
Day 324
This picture is so grainy that I pulled up the contrast to make it look at least a little cooler.
Day 45
got her back
Reunited with my mum after her being on vacation for 2.5 weeks yay!
Day 50
mirror mirror
In a fun park with my little cousin.
Day 72
you’ve got a friend
Spent the evening catching up on our last semesters.
Day 81
only in sleep
I probably had one of the busiest weekends of my life and now I'm just completely done. I had a blast for the most part of it though.
Day 112
indian summer
Autumn is coming. It’s far from my favourite season but it definitely is beautiful.
Day 114
beanie girl
Just a streak pic, but hey I’m still here right?
Day 121
pretty boring day
A little out of ideas.
Day 122
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that I'm a socialist, and I also have Kurdish friends, so naturally I support the Kurdish demonstrations a...
Day 127
going loony
When you don’t manage to upload for a few days and go mad in the process.
Day 147
reflecting once again
We’re actually having beautiful fall/winter weather outside.
Day 152
end of the line
Sick of seeing these train colours yet? I’m kind of too.
Day 156
past, present, future
I was visiting my aunt and she decided to try on some stuff in this shop so I took a break on one of these tiny chairs.
Day 157
let that sink in
Today’s photo was actually a close one, this was taken after 11pm and at a friend’s house. But I did it.
Day 178
My throat has been making some problems for the last week so there’s nothing like some warm tea.
Day 190
minden christmas 2019
Shoutout to my politics colleague for taking this pic for me after the party’s christmas celebration.
Day 197
last days of christmas
To be honest I’m a little glad christmas is already over.
Day 205
celebrating life
This is from the photo box at my mum’s birthday party. As far as I can remember I actually pressed the button to take this picture.
Day 212
breaking point
I procastrinated on uploading this picture for so long that I don't really remember why I look so done here. But I guess it shows what...
Day 222
i see my demons and i just can’t hide
Took this sort of last minute while mum was questioning me on some flashcards.
Day 233
bye bye britain
Just a picture with all things British we could find to “celebrate” Brexit day. (Not that I’m actually happy about it.)