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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 192
hanging out
Just relaxing and watching some more darts (go Fallon ❤️)
Day 193
same spot, one day later
Obviously watching more darts.
Day 199
between the years
In that weird space where you don’t even know which day it is. All I do all day is sleep and watch darts.
Day 201
stranger things
My mum is testing some photo gadgets for her birthday party on Friday.
Day 230
after 2 exams
My god, was I done. The exams went well at least!
Day 245
look who’s not failing yet
Last minute picture (again, obviously) with my mum.
Day 243
one of those ghosts
I really need to finish this project, it's getting harder and harder for me to find motives.
Day 251
spread the love
I’m aware the quality is extremely bad and that this is just a Snapchat filter but tbh it was too cute not to share.
Day 262
ciutat vella
Inside a beautiful vegan snack bar. I broke my glasses btw in case anyone notices my face being really naked 😢
Day 278
this wii life
Playing a round of wii every evening with my dad at the moment. Everything to stop this boredom.
Day 280
germany to brazil
“It’s a scary year, but it doesn’t have to be scary alone.”
Day 291
another movie, probably
Day 292
Still letting out my frustration at my dart board.
Day 313
What would I do without my healing clay.
Day 322
mighty jungle
When you run out of ideas and take almost the same picture again.
Day 102
oh snap
I'm currently packing (as seen in the background) for my last vacation of the year, Budapest and Bratislava. In the Netherlands I bought a dis...
Day 165
The evening (more like afternoon) sky is beginning to look a lot like christmas here.
Day 179
I don’t know why me and my little cousins took this photo but it’s pretty cute.
Day 187
movie night
Just a quick picture while hanging out with my colleagues once again.
Day 188
if you love the dart
I got home so late yesterday that I didn't go to uni and instead spent the most part of the day with the darts world cup.
Day 195
tiny christmas
My mum talked me into taking this picture, she said it’s a “tradition”. I look so tiny there though.
Day 196
bum bag love
Got this new bag and now wanted to take it out for a party.
Day 204
the grain of life
Last min pic. We were in a bar waiting for midnight because a certain someone was about to turn 50.
Day 225
laurel and hardy
It’s been hell of a long day again. But my neck is getting better :)