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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 348
shut up
Funnily enough my other best friend (who’s basically a brother to me) had his birthday too, the big 18. So we went there at night to surprise...
Day 352
before the dawn
Borrowed my dad’s lamp for this.
Day 354
fck plln
Had a great day outside but as soon as I was back I felt terrible because of my allergies. It was hard to breathe and I got so tired. (12)
Day 359
i want my life back
I went to Hannover for the first time in 3 months!! Was great. I miss the old days. (6)
Day 24
jule is typing
As I said, my exam weeks have started, so shit pics of me galore. Today I studied political sociology until like midnight.
Day 61
so much love
Just a snapchat selfie for today I’m afraid. But it’s a cute one and I love my little cousin so much.
Day 96
the colour of fire
It's been starting to get really cold and my dad put on the fireplace again. I almost burned my face trying to catch its colour.
Day 131
a new era
So this was the first day of classes for real, this time with all the “official” classes that I will have for the rest of the term. So far e...
Day 200
one hundred? twice?
Somehow I'm still here?
Day 208
in every pore
Uni has started again and I don’t think I’ve ever been away from it as long as I did now. So coming back felt a little weird but I misse...
Day 209
stress stress
Exam phase is starting again but I don’t feel up to it yet.
Day 221
I just took this to test whether the date in my camera was set wrong (it was), but actually like the picture that came out of it.
Day 308
missing persons
Weird day. A far relative (never met her) went missing in 2018 and her story was on national TV today. Now I can’t stop thinking about...
Day 327
you took me to your favourite place on earth
Stopped on top of the hill again on today’s short walk.
Day 330
high above
Just another walk. Playgrounds are open again.
Day 331
another of these
This looks awfully similar to Wednesday’s picture but hey at least I took one.
Day 334
feeling defeated
Uni with a hand injury sucks.
Day 335
done but kinda happy
Today would have been the semifinal of Eurovision, instead there was just a song celebration but I watched it with my internation...
Day 336
It’s been 11 months and I haven’t used my mum’s bathroom mirror for a pic once although it’s so cool.
Day 343
duck, duck, goose
The pictures only get weirder and weirder.
Day 349
My sort of stepsister made those cookies for me and dad and they’re so good.
Day 19
a new spring
I was supposed to be home at 9pm but it’s 10:30 and I’m still in the train.. delays and whatnot. We left at around 1pm so we still had so...
Day 20
This is not exactly the most flattering perspective in the world, but it’s fine. Most pics of the next couple weeks will probably be weird like...
Day 25
the walking facepalm emoji
Studied like 7 hours today and at some point it just was too much.