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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 28
stop and smell the roses
Exam 1/3 done for this season!! I’m taking a little break although I probably shouldn’t. Also I should really come back here...
Day 40
why yes, a totally normal activity
It's the first day of three months off uni and I'm already so goddamn bored. Let's hope I will at least manage to t...
Day 63
non aesthetic things
Me and my suitcase. I’m about to go on my longest solo trip ever to the Netherlands and Belgium and I’m kinda excited.
Day 64
excuse my hair
I’ve arrived in Rotterdam, my home for a week. So far it has been extremely interesting but also windy.
Day 67
late night thoughts
Today I really fucked up again and forgot to take a picture until it was quite late. But here we go.
Day 78
take a walk
Had a pretty bad headache, so I went outside in the hopes to make it better. It's starting to work a little.
Day 80
sparkle all day
Today I went to the Silent Climate Parade, which is a combination of a climate change protest and silent disco and it was really good,...
Day 98
me times three
Props to my mum (who else) for coming up with this idea. I kind of over edited it to fit my shirt colour.
Day 101
september 5th, 2016
That was the day I last hit 100 days on this project. This time it was September 20th, 2019. 3 years on. I'm doing this again and...
Day 107
bye bye budapest
Last day in this beautiful city. Maybe I’ll be back one day. Now on to Bratislava for the weekend before we’re going home again.
Day 143
smile through the pain
That actually sounds more dramatic than it was, I went to a birthday party that I didn’t really want to go to but it was actual...
Day 153
up with the birds
I overslept my lecture (not on purpose) and then kind of spent all day doing nothing.. again.
Day 155
lets get stuff done
On the way to a party meeting where I didn’t have to drive myself for once.
Day 158
turn to gold and crumble away
Just randomly throwing around some leaves with my dad’s partner I suppose? #theme-smile
Day 175
I didn’t sleep well, too much stress.
Day 214
avocado smash
We got my cousin this game for her 8th birthday.
Day 234
city ghosts
Visited a friend in Berlin and we had a great time even though it was raining like hell.
Day 235
at the edge of berlin
Hard to believe this is literally in the biggest city of Germany, but it is. (S-Bahn Station Wuhlheide to be exact)
Day 246
back into the picture
Party meeting inside a restaurant. Sorry for the bulk upload.
Day 260
tree hugger
We made it to our destination today: Barcelona, where it is amazingly warm after all these months of winter.
Day 266
fifteen hours
Going home from Barcelona in the train :(
Day 270
waiting for the fun
I saw OneRepublic today. I’m glad it wasn’t cancelled because I had an amazing time.
Day 281
Just walking between my parents’ houses again to print something.
Day 284
isolation boredom
For some reason we needed to compare our noses. As you can see I have my dad’s nose lol