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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 586
Just managed to capture this bird soaring through the sky... #outdoors #bird #evening #landscape #light #monday #water #sky #flying #colors #s...
Day 585
Take off...
This gull was just taking off from the wooden pontoon down at the lake. I find it's wings pretty speed out like this ! #outdoors #lake #bi...
Day 584
New gym room so an inauguration and my daughter sang... #saturday #camera #canon #focus #aperture #instrument #technology #november #manual #z...
Day 583
Tato's pontoon...
Another contribution to the "Wood" theme... It was freezing this morning down at the lakeside. Have a great weekend !! #friday #lake...
Day 582
Private pontoon...
Dull day, the light is nearly inexistant ! Here's another contribution to this week's "Wood" theme, a private wooden pontoon. #thur...
Day 581
Wooden pontoon...
The theme this week is "Wood"... so there's nothing better than this wooden pontoon that @tania will recognize immediately !! ;0) #m...
Day 580
Street art...
This is my one and only photo for today ! I've been busy all day and seeing that I shot this strange little person this morning at 8h45,...
Day 579
At lunch time, there were a few rays of light glowing through the clouds. #outdoors #nature #landscape #monday #dark #water #rain #sea #sun...
Day 578
Hot fire fish...
Spent the day inside while a storm, tempest, downpour, gale... or whatever you want to call it... was forming outside !! 💨 Having no...
Day 577
Balloons as hair ! Fab idea... #indoors #saturday #fun #street #market #people #november #figure #tram #shopping #stock #man #business #ma...
Day 576
Monochrome lakeside shot today... I managed to get down to my beloved lake ! I was going to shoot the gulls (photo wise) but a crow scared...
Day 575
I won second place in a local photography contest. This evening, I received my prize ! A blow-up of one of my photos (lakeside one of course)...
Day 574
Hot colors...
Wandered around the garden and did a few macro photos. I liked the contrast in this one between the twig and the colors in the backgroun...
Day 573
Opposite of hot : cold...
Cold breezy morning... not very hot at all !!! #outdoors #nature #bird #evening #dark #tuesday #sun #moon #sky #flying #cold...
Day 572
Yet another shot down at the lake !! This week's theme is "hot" so this photo is definitely not my first contribution to it ! ;0) Have a g...
Day 571
Rainy day...
It's raining today... giving our family a good reason to stay in, have a big brunch, watch TV and play games together ! Have a nice Sunda...
Day 570
9 years old...
My baby turned 9 today ! She seems so grown up but she'll always be my baby ! Love her so much ! xxx #indoors #portrait #saturday #blac...
Day 569
Walking forward, progressing, confident, ... Life is beautiful and I'm determined to make the most of it !! Have been thinking a lot abo...
Day 568
Swan @ dusk...
Have a great day ! Hope it's as fulfilling and peaceful as this swan's glide over the water... #morning #thursday #nature #lake #evenin...
Day 567
Shopping session...
I took my daughter and one of her very close friends on a shopping session. They were so sweet and had a blast, as A's Mum put it...
Day 566
Another contribution to the "Mid-air" theme. I'm sure some of my friends will know where I've been with my daughter this morning... #octobe...
Day 565
My first contribution to the "Mid-air" theme... #morning #october #nature #landscape #light #monday #water #sea #fog #sun #sky #weather #clou...
Day 564
Vintage fishing...
It's cold and dull today. We zapped out quickly to go to our local market and spotted these fishermen. Hope they caught something ?...
Day 563
Caught this quickly through the car window... #october #afternoon #saturday #old #vintage #black-and-white #street #city #urban #blue #ste...