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#1 127/365
3 streak
Day 95
Day 124
Hiking to the Silver Star peak
Day 126
Speed pancaking
Day 13
Day 42
Gas station
Day 44
Birthday baloons
Day 45
Pioneer Square Station
Day 52
Marked some new gear
Day 53
I don't need a wardrobe if I have floor
Day 72
Day 78
Old Toyota truck
Day 93
Sky lines
Day 99
Bivouac before climb
Day 104
Rowing paddles
Day 105
Day 107
Two flowers
Day 110
Crossing river
Day 120
Classic VW
Day 41
Modernism as I understand it
Day 47
Drying clay sculpture
Day 54
Snow cake
Day 55
Idling snow gun
Day 65
Paragliding at Poo-Poo Point
Day 66
Patch wall