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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#9 165/365
618 streak
Day 1,351
"Is he gone yet?"
Clydey hiding from the tradesman who came to fix my fly screens.
Day 1,362
Oh hai!
One of the only photos that I actually took - luckily it was a nice one of Bonnie standing behind her mousie.
Day 1,373
Urban Landscape
Down the road from my house, in the weak winter afternoon sunlight.
Day 1,404
Day 6 of lockdown: a walk after work.
Day 1,405
Day 7
First week is over. I had to go into the city and decided to grab a photo while I could. #6021 #6085
Day 1,159
The docks
Someone in one of my Brisbane facebook groups recently posted a photo they took of a dilapidated dock, and I was keen to visit. They even pr...
Day 1,171
Look, a sunset that was more cloud then smoke!
Day 1,183
Mavic Mini!
It arrived today. It was nearly 40 degrees and way too hot to fly. It'll be the same tomorrow. So probably Sunday will be the first chance...
Day 1,216
Palm Trees
Random inner city shot.
Day 1,234
Cabin Fever
Today is Australia Day and I wanted to go out and see the fireworks. Instead I'm stuck inside, annoying the cats.
Day 1,260
Through the buildings
This is the view from one of our training rooms, the only window that has a view of more than just another building in front.
Day 1,329
My beautiful girl.
Day 1,366
No Space
The look I'm given by Bonnie when she tries to find somewhere to sleep on the bed after I've been unpacking boxes.
Day 1,378
Day 1,383
When you tell your cat he's a good boy
Day 1,390
Southern Cross Station
Looking down at all the V-line (long distance) trains.
Day 1,399
No Access
I bought a new toy to encourage me to leave the house to go for walks. A Pixel 4 XL. I have been wanting to visit here for a while, and it's...
Day 1,411
Out the window
Day 1,413
The handsome boy
Day 1,423
Day 1,434
The old mill
Day 1,440
This handsome boy decided to try to visit the exciting world of cars and trucks outside. I nearly cried when I got him back inside.
Day 1,443
Observing his domain
Day 1,444