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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#8 293/365
381 streak
Day 1,922
The completely opposite direction to where I'd normally shoot (The city was behind me). Something different.
Day 1,923
Day 1,924
No, not a baby tram. It got knocked off the tracks by an idiot not paying attention to where they were driving. #3034
Day 1,925
She likes to spend her time being snuggled on my lap, or glaring at me because she's not snuggled on my lap.
Day 1,926
Day 1,927
Bonnie looking very unimpressed from behind my monitor.
Day 1,928
Bonnie enjoying the sunshine.
Day 1,929
Trying to get a nice photo of Bonnie and Clyde just had to be sitting there in the background.
Day 1,930
Day 1,931
Day 1,932
Reverse Sunset
Sometimes it's worth sitting and waiting after the sunset, even if you're facing the opposite direction to where the sun is setting.
Day 1,933
Day 1,934
Day 1,935
Day 1,936
Day 1,937
Embarrassing Cat Photo Time
Day 1,938
Neighbourhood Watch
Bonnie observing (and judging) the outside world.
Day 1,939
This is my first time shooting fireworks in 2 years. Last year we actually had zero cases and they cancelled the fireworks. This year they decided to...
Day 1,940
Went to St Kilda on a 30 degree day and for some reason was surprised to find it busy. We were supposed to get a storm but it didn't eventuate. But th...
Day 1,941
The mysterious "out there".
Day 1,942
When you're a cat, just trying to blend into the heater and fireplace.
Day 1,943
Melbourne city at dusk
Decided to take an ND filter out with me and play with long exposures.
Day 1,944
Brighton Beach
Day 1,945
We've had a few days of storms, and I saw the most beautiful shelf cloud building, but by the time I got to St Kilda it'd mostly gone over (still got...