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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#8 296/365
384 streak
Day 1,946
I missed another storm, I went to the city but it went south. But I found a spot to watch it go past. The chainlink fence, rubbish, and sto...
Day 1,947
Late night Clydey photo
Day 1,948
Clydey on his cat tree, having caught sight of a bird.
Day 1,949
Clydey in his unicorn
Day 1,950
Day 1,951
Was hoping the clouds would be nice on sunset but they mostly drifted away :(
Day 1,952
He is such a drama queen
Day 1,953
We were predicted to get thunderstorms during the morning, and up to 35mm of rain. When nothing eventuated, I ventured over to the other side of town...
Day 1,954
Day 1,955
Sunset at the Bolte Bridge
Day 1,956
Bonnie Cat
Day 1,957
Three Trees
Day 1,958
Day 1,959
Day 1,960
Day 1,961
Melbourne is getting to the hot part of the year - January/Feb can often be 35-45 degrees celsius. Last year I was in the nice new climate controlled...
Day 1,962
The city from Punt Road bridge.
Day 1,963
A hot boy trying to cool down :(
Day 1,964
Day 1,965
Day 1,966
Waking up at 6am because a storm is about to hit has its ups and downs - firstly, you're awake at 6am, but you're watching a sunrise, a storm,...
Day 1,967
Wet City
I didn't get any photos of the storms that have come over Melbourne in the past few days, but I headed into the city to see what I could get....
Day 1,968
St Kilda
It's been a while since I've been here at night.
Day 1,969
A not particularly exciting photo off the Princes Bridge. I arrived into the city too late for the late afternoon sunshine and left too early for the...