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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#8 297/365
385 streak
Day 1,970
Day 1,971
Phone shot from the steps of parliament.
Day 1,972
A not particularly interesting look out the window. This is the view Clydey has when he sleeps in the cat tree - I often stick my head out through the...
Day 1,973
"Hey Bonnie, can I have a photo?" "No"
Day 1,974
When you're enjoying the sunshine but don't quite fit in the bed.
Day 1,975
Cutest little murder mittens out there.
Day 1,976
Just hanging out in the sunshine.
Day 1,977
Sunsets are finally getting earlier, more motivation to get out and go for walks after work.
Day 1,978
Day 1,979
Day 1,980
Just an average day, so here is a photo of Bonnie on her new favourite sleeping spot.
Day 1,981
Friday afternoon on the Yarra River.
Day 1,982
Ponyfish Island
Day 1,983
Day 1,984
Day 1,985
Inside Clydey's Unicorn
Day 1,986
Gratuitous touristy photo overlooking the Yarra.
Day 1,987
He looks like he's wearing the fur of his enemies.
Day 1,988
My friend flew down from Brisbane and I went to meet her at the airport. This is just a random plane.
Day 1,989
Went to the zoo and caught the gorillas during their lunch.
Day 1,990
Clydey saw a birb.
Day 1,991
Day 1,992
Was out for a walk and only had my phone, Captured the sun streaming into the city but sadly it blew out the sky :(
Day 1,993
Just a random shot out the window looking at the blue sky.