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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#9 165/365
618 streak
Day 1,283
Redcliffe Jetty
A cloudy afternoon meant it wasn't that exciting a shot, and I had to leave around half an hour before sunset. But it's always a nice...
Day 1,290
It's been a while since we've seen a Clydey photo. We're now permanently wfh (until further notice) so I envisiage many more kitty photos in th...
Day 1,346
Bus Station
Hey, look, I left the house again!
Day 1,393
Had to go buy cat food and saw this puddle in the car park.
Day 1,453
Day 1,459
Day 1,116
Belly Rubs
Day 1,154
Looking up Ann St
Day 1,217
The Lion
A fountain in Anzac Square on the way to the train station
Day 1,229
Nothing too exciting - a promise of another storm, but it reached us and was gone again quickly. Plus it was coming from the direction that I...
Day 1,237
I figured we hadn't had a Clydey photo in quite a while. If you look closely you can see his teefs!
Day 1,241
Hot boy
Not sure if this breaches any nudity rules? He is not the most uh, gentlemanly of cats. (please excuse the dirt on the door, it needs a bit of...
Day 1,258
A night of storms
I could see storms building on the way home - by the time I was getting off the train there was a whole bunch of lightning and the o...
Day 1,272
I'm going to play the "I'm sick again" card so here is a photo of Bonnie doing her best loaf impression.
Day 1,298
That realisation
That your human seems to be home permanently.
Day 1,309
Just a box
There is absolutely no cat in this photo. None at all. Just a box sitting upside down on the floor.
Day 1,316
Hungry Bonnie is contemplating dinner time.
Day 1,374
Flinders St
Platform 4, as seen from the train.
Day 1,384
First drone flight!
Well, first one since I came down to Melbourne. A very nervous flight from my backyard. I wasn't sure if the GPS was going to main...
Day 1,442
Day 1,140
Clydey Cat: Hunter
Check out those pupils! Eyes on the target Clydey, eyes on the target.
Day 1,141
Just a small show, but a good location. :)
Day 1,168
I greatly dislike summer. If sunset had been an hour earlier then I would have got some awesome light trails in the foreground. :(
Day 1,210
First cat photo of the year!