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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#9 23/365
476 streak
Day 1,994
We did the (photo) touristy thing and came to Princes Pier, but the wind was a bit nuts so didn't stay long. This was one of the only photos I actuall...
Day 1,995
Not the most exciting sunset but it was nice to go out and see one.
Day 1,996
Carlton Gardens
Day 1,997
Clydey taking a minute out of his day to impart some wisdom.
Day 1,998
I didn't think we'd get a sunset, as it was quite overcast, and was getting weird looks from random people as I was set up with the tripod. Gue...
Day 1,999
Clydey showing off his toe beans.
Day 2,000
I'm not sure if she's just told the most hilarious joke ever, or stepped on a piece of lego.
Day 2,001
There was some nice high cloud sitting there, but it drifted away right on sunset. Blue hour was still nice though.
Day 2,002
Clydey being a furry land seal.
Day 2,003
Autumn is on its way.
The leaves are starting to fall.....
Day 2,004
You know it's been a long day when your photo is of the wall.
Day 2,005
I had time to fill in before my train (well, okay, I deliberately missed a train so I had time to fill in until the next one) and grabbed a couple of...
Day 2,006
Yesterday I wasn't feeling particularly well. and it got worse as the day went on. I managed to get myself home, make some dinner, and crawl into bed....
Day 2,007
Bonnie is unimpressed.
Day 2,008
Bonniecat looking less than thrilled at the prospect of facing the outside.
Day 2,009
Definitely not my best fireworks photo but it was an awkward spot and I'm out of practice :(
Day 2,010
Attempt #2
I think I did better this time.
Day 2,011
Fireworks #3
I'd scouted this spot but didn't 100% know if it would work. About half an hour before the fireworks were due to start, the wind changed...
Day 2,012
Bonnie, yet again unimpressed with me waking her up.
Day 2,013
Clydey looking fierce.
Day 2,014
The Wall
Yet another wall. I liked the mossy look.
Day 2,015
Hey look, I left the house, if only to go 500m away to the shops.
Day 2,016
This image really didn't work for what I was hoping for, but here we are. I glanced out the window and noticed the moon was rising with a bit of cloud...
Day 2,017
I accidentally left the door to the linen cupboard open, and it's lucky I glanced in there before I closed it up again.