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23 y/o entrepreneur and photographer. Co-founder of MTW.
#3 233/365
1 streak
Day 689
📦 New baby
New addition to my #gear collection! Finally got the Sigma 16mm f/1.4.
Day 699
🏙 Nagasaki from above
I went up some evacuation staircase and took this photo. As soon as I did it, a security guard showed up and I had to quickly ge...
Day 700
🌃City at night
Day 712
🚶🏻‍♂️ Family trip
Day 714
🏖 Summer
Day 726
🕹 Monument Valley 2
If you haven't played this game, you have to do it! It's brilliant
Day 680
👟 New kicks
Day 691
✈️ Flight time!
Today I'm flying to Japan! I'm so excited for this trip!
Day 698
🌆 Architecture
Today we’ve arrived in Nagasaki
Day 719
💦 Water fun
Moya loves playing with the sprinklers
Day 678
☀️ A bit of sunshine
Day 681
🏖 Memories
Can't wait for a proper summer weather.
Day 682
🍕 Homemade pizza
Making pizza has been my favorite activity lately
Day 703
🏡 Back home
I love traveling but I also love coming back home 😅
Day 728
🖼 Streak photo
For the whole day I had a really bad stomach ache and I didn't feel like taking a better photo so this streak photo has to do it.
Day 702
🛬 Coming back
Day 713
🛠 Electronics
We did some planning for a new DIY project today!
Day 718
🚗 Family trip
Day 727
🍕 Pizza time
As always, my favorite food!
Day 683
😼 Sleepy
Day 721
🐶 Little doggo
Day 709
Day 724
🎲 Rummikub
Day 707
🛣 Highway
Went to shoot some car photos with my cousin near the highway and decided to take the drone with me.