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23 y/o entrepreneur and photographer. Co-founder of MTW.
#3 233/365
1 streak
Day 875
Day 876
📦 Delivery
I'm building a new workspace for myself and today some smart led lighting arrived.
Day 877
👨‍💻 Working
We've spent the day doing pair programing for the first time and it was awesome!
Day 878
🌈 Led strip
Here's that Lifx strip mounted. I love the effect! One of many new things coming to my workspace.
Day 879
🥘 Cooking
Day 880
🎧 AirPods
I had them for a while already and it's probably my favorite piece of tech I recently bought.
Day 881
🔋 Charging
I think I need to build some kind of charging drawer to keep it organized. There's so much stuff to charge.
Day 882
Nothing better than a homemade burger!
Day 883
📸 Fog machine
My friend who was a DJ is selling his stuff and he asked me if I want his fog machine. How could I say no to this awesome toy!
Day 884
🤚 More fog fun
Day 885
📖 Currently reading
Day 886
🖤 The essentials 2.0
After nearly 3 years here's a retake of #theme-flatlay-tech
Day 887
🐶 Forest walk
We took Felix and Moya to the forest today. The weather was really good and look how big this boy is already!
Day 888
💳 New wallet
Finally got myself a new wallet cause my old one was really worn-out.
Day 889
🌄 Crazy sunset
Day 890
Day 891
Day 892
🍹 Cocktails
Day 893
Day 894
🍹 Making smoothie
Day 895
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Got a new book by Krzysztof Gonciarz. I love the cover!
Day 896
🎄 Christmas time
Day 897
🍽 Dinner
Day 898
🍹 Cocktail
Found a shaker at home and decided to make some cocktails!