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23 y/o entrepreneur and photographer. Co-founder of MTW.
#3 233/365
1 streak
Day 795
⛓ Fence
We have to reinforce the fence because Moya has been doing trips outside sometimes 🙄
Day 794
Day 793
🤖 Autonomous mower
We got a new toy
Day 792
👀 Dark vibes
We've managed to get up at 5:30am and capture this Dark-inspired photo.
Day 791
🖼 Tookapic Prints!
Look what I found in the mail today!
Day 790
🐤 Debugging duck
Day 789
Kinda a streak pic. A pretty lazy day and I didn't feel like taking a better photo.
Day 788
🏢 Katowice
Saw this great mural on our way back from Cracow.
Day 787
⛩ Tokio24
Today I've met with @bartlomiej (#tookafriend) and other friends in Cracow and we went to see the Tokio24 exhibition together. I gotta say,...
Day 786
📷3D photos
Had some fun with this little bad boy capable of shooting 3d analog photos.
Day 785
🕹 VR
Day 784
🐶 Moya's new friend
Took Moya to the park today, where we met this lovely Samoyed
Day 783
🛠 Upgrading PC
Installed a new GPU today.
Day 782
🏖 Chillin'
Day 781
🌽 Corn
The sky gradient looks lovely here
Day 780
🥞 Mr. Pancake
A lovely day in Poznań where we also visited the palm house and the zoo.
Day 779
🌄 Sunset
Day 778
🏢Hashtagalek style
We've spent the day in Gniezno, where I captured this hashtagalek-like photo.
Day 777
Day 776
🌅 On the road
I'm going on my last trip for this holidays. Still a bit ill so we will see how it will be. This time we're going to stay near a lake in...
Day 775
🐕 The tail
I'm always amazed by Moya's wild tail
Day 774
🍔 Homemade burgers
Day 773
🤧 Being ill sucks
Especially during the summer
Day 772
🌅 Sunrise
The fever woke me up at 4am and I couldn't sleep so at least I saw the sunrise.