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Mom of 7! Not a pro. Learning and liking the fact that it makes me stop and focus on one life moment each day. Very appreciative of art and the creativity of human beings!
#4 38/365
2 streak
Day 941
August Member Of The Month
Photo I took for work.
Day 940
Busy Monday Bee
So fun growing mini sunflowers this summer!🙂
Day 939
Day 938
New Boots
Since I’m tall, I have large feet. It’s harder to find shoes and boots to buy. Thankful to find these, and on sale, today! It was nice havin...
Day 937
My Flower Barrel
Day 936
Keevan Fishing
He really loves to fish.
Day 935
Road Side Farm Stand
Day 934
Rained Upon
Day 933
Day 932
This Baby💕
Day 931
Silas Q💕
Day 930
Turkey Hello
Day 929
Day 928
Beautiful Morning
Today we got great news that my mother-in-law’s cancer hasn’t grown. Check back in 6 mo.s🙏🏻 Oh, and today is her birthday.
Day 927
Wing Awesomeness
Day 926
Paul & His Popcorn
He decided a pink baby spoon was a fun method for eating popcorn.
Day 925
Capt. Tabs on The Box
Yes, she has a normal box fetish.
Day 924
Market Day
Day 923
On plan snack.
Day 922
Just Me
All I had for Thursday.
Day 921
Sun-kissed Pink Petunia
Glad I bought these for my flower bed.
Day 920
Thanks Grammy!
I gave Paul a couple bags of freeze dried apples. He was a huge fan!
Day 919
Fireweed With Smoky Backdrop
We have forest fires in the state causing the air to be smoke filled.
Day 918
Morning Surprise
This is in my flower bed. It bloomed so fast.