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#8 300/365
1,596 streak
Day 101
foot stamp [101]
stamp of my foot :) #food #evening #monday #blue #march #stamp #theme-feet
Day 100
100/100/100/10 [100]
sto #afternoon #sunday #sand #100 #march #rzeszow #zwirownia
Day 99
ninety-nine :) #saturday #evening #march #high-key #99 #reverse-lens #theme-macro
Day 98
old rail switch [098]
probably still works :) #friday #night #old #long-exposure #railway #march #switch #rzeszow #light-effect #rzeszow-noca
Day 97
matches [097]
this time no revelations, although the color seems to be cool #thursday #night #color #matches #march #reverse-lens #theme-macro
Day 96
pin [096]
Rzeszów - my city :) #evening #wednesday #map #march #pin #rzeszow #reverse-lens #theme-macro
Day 95
plastic money [095]
my credit card at close quarters #evening #tuesday #macro #closeup #march #credit-card #reverse-lens #theme-macro
Day 94
tańcowała ... [094]
... #night #monday #dance #closeup #needle #thread #march #reverse-lens #theme-macro #brzechwa
Day 93
15 second in daylight [093]
Today I have experiment with welding glass and long exposure :) Unfortunately, I forgot to cover the viewfinder, and all i...
Day 92
Tadeusz Nalepa - mural [092]
Today is the 10th anniversary of his death. His music will live forever! / Dziś przypada 10 rocznica jego śmierci. Jego m...
Day 91
looking at the bridge [091]
Another shoot of new bridge in Rzeszow. This time at night #friday #night #black-and-white #long-exposure #bridge #nightsc...
Day 90
young hawk / młody jastrząb [090]
passing across the "Plac Ofiar Getta" met a young hawk. Quite interesting view :) #thursday #afternoon #bird #park #...
Day 89
Victorinox [089]
first edition of the Swiss Army Knife with Polish emblem / pierwsza edycja szwajcarskiego scyzoryka z godłem Polski #evening #wednesd...
Day 88
street lights / światła ulicy [088]
another scene of street lamps - even I caught the moon / kolejna odsłona świateł ulicy - nawet złapałem księżyc ||...
Day 87
illumination / oświetlenie [087]
simply / tak po prostu #night #long-exposure #monday #february #citylights #rzeszow #light-effect #rzeszow-noca #them...
Day 86
pushpin in the bark [086]
It was to be a photo of something else, when I saw it... ( a little bit inspired by this photo: @
Day 85
fragment [085]
Fragment of new bridge in Rzeszów / fragment nowego mostu w Rzeszowie #afternoon #saturday #cloudy #bridge #construction #february #rze...
Day 84
a view from park  / widok z parku [084]
somehow came out ... / jakoś tak wyszło ... #trees #friday #evening #long-exposure #park #view #nightscape #fe...
Day 83
lights / światła [083]
lights and rays always fascinated me ... / światła i promienie zawsze mnie fascynowały ... #thursday #evening #long-exposure #n...
Day 82
old pepper mill / stary młynek do pieprzu   [082]
I found it on the highest shelf in the kitchen (it belonged to grandmother) / znalazłem go na najwyż...
Day 81
ten wrench / dziesiątka [081]
This photo was inspired @ by @maciejczyk. I'm still learning something new. #afternoon...
Day 80
steel cylinder / stalowy walec [080]
poor light , not much time / słabe światło, mało czasu :( #night #monday #steel #february #levitation #cylinder #...
Day 79
Jan Pakosławic [079]
Diplomat and Knight. He took the name of Rzeszow. / Dyplomata i rycerz. Przyjął nazwisko Rzeszowski. #afternoon #sunday #monument...
Day 78
reflection / odbicie [078]
#afternoon #saturday #water #reflection #february #rzeszow #bwa