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Michael Gatton

Photo hobbyist.
#5 125/365
365 streak
Day 951
Utensils. Streak. Lazy. Tired from the journey. Back in the city.
Day 955
West Side Highway & River, 69th Strreet Transfrer Bridge
Day 956
Gloom. Some cloudy days are nice, today was just ugly.
Day 959
Day 960
Willow View
Day 961
Day 963
Long Shadows
Following @satoshi 's Clear blue cloudless skies we haven't seen in a while
Day 964
Day 965
Day 966
Day 967
Riverside Park South
Day 968
Desperation grab...
Day 969
Day 970
It's been a week...
Day 973
Sous Vide
First foray. Also too cold and windy to go outside. Hope to get back on track tomorrow.
Day 974
Iced Rocks
Day 977
Parking Ramp
At the Midtown piers.
Day 978
Power Sky
Quick grab on the highway. Last road trip for a while.
Day 979
Science Building
Columbia. The University that ate Harlem.
Day 980
Rolling along
Day 981
IX 514
Day 986
New York Road Runners Event
A few days of awesome February weather. Central Park race yesterday, forgot to post anything.
Day 990
Winter Sunset
By the Hudson
Day 992
Music Hall
In Tarrytown. Dreary day.