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Michael Gatton

Photo hobbyist.
#5 125/365
365 streak
Day 1,537
Arizona Heat
111 degrees today (44C) is unbelievably hot. Shot from hotel parking lot because I'm not walking around in this outdoor oven.
Day 1,536
SoCal Landscape
No time today. Fallbrook, California.
Day 1,535
California sunset snap.
Day 1,534
San Diego
Quick snap for today. Pacific Beach in San Diego.
Day 1,533
LA Moonrise
In Sylmar, northernmost neighborhood in Los Angeles.
Day 1,532
Morning Fog
Cachuma Lake, CA
Day 1,531
Cachuma Lake, California
Day 1,530
At The End of The Continent
California. Near Davenport, Highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway). Beautiful biking route along the coast from Santa Cruz to S...
Day 1,529
Redwood Forest
Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, California. Just magnificent. Once logged so heavily they were almost wiped out in the 1800s.
Day 1,528
So many dead trees. El Dorado National Forest, California.
Day 1,527
Nevada Landscape
Not as much variation n the Nevada landscape as compared to Utah. Still beautiful though.
Day 1,526
Bonneville Salt Flats
A pilgrimage, of sorts.
Day 1,525
Colorado Rockies
On the road snapshot for today.
Day 1,524
Lake Ogallala, Nebraska
Day 1,523
Day 1,522
(Unidentified, Omaha, Nebraska)
Day 1,521
Power Plant
University of Iowa, Iowa River
Day 1,520
Iowa City, Iowa
Day 1,519
Ottowa, Illinois
Day 1,518
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Day 1,517
Pit Stop Ohio
I'm in Michigan now but too tired to go for a photo walk.
Day 1,516
Simon B. Elliott State Park, Pennsylvania. 1070 miles since leaving North Carolina on Tuesday last week. After this week the pace picks up...
Day 1,515
Conrad Fried House
Brother of Elaine de Kooning (who also had a summer home across the road from here) and an artist in his own right. Sullivan County...
Day 1,514
Hemlock Varnish Shelf
Ganoderma tsugae. Related to reishi, Ganoderma sichuanense.