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Michał Kulesza

Graphic designer, photographer and filmmaker. All full of passion. Living in Bialystok, Poland. Owner of Kul Studio. Mail me at
#5 237/365
1 streak
Day 1,578
Finally got this damn expensive small adapter. Now I can connect to the external display. Hell yeah... 💰
Day 1,581
Our small dinner just before the party.
Day 1,582
My recent diet food.
Day 1,584
Working late
When I have completely no idea for a photo, I will take a picture of my laptop's screen.
Day 1,585
Another day I was working almost till midnight.
Day 1,586
A small gift from my sick fiancee. It's the third day since she's got a fever. We have to compensate that day to ourselves.
Day 1,587
Day 1,588
My Saturday walk was 8 km's long. I have to take many walks like this before I start running. For now, this is enough.
Day 1,589
Waiting for spring
I miss the summer when the exact view looked like this one -
Day 1,590
Finally, we have sun rays in our apartment.
Day 1,591
My fiancee is still sick. It's 7th day since she has a fever. Fortunately, she feels better but we still have tough days.
Day 1,592
Another evening spent on cutting wedding invitations.
Day 1,593
Streak evening
It's my free day. I'm not worried about anything today.
Day 1,595
I beat a new record today. A 13 kilometers long walk in two hours.
Day 1,596
I have a small LED stripe and I don't know how can I use it in my photo project. Anyway, it's only a test to know how I can bend it. I'm trying...
Day 1,597
My turn
Feeling weird this evening. I hope it's nothing serious..
Day 1,600
Driving home
Things get serious now. If I'm sick or not we have to keep inviting our guests for our wedding. Here's the pic from my smartphone from th...
Day 1,602
Saturday night
Just like this. After another round of wedding invitation, we had a small dinner. Sunday will be even busier.
Day 1,607
One of my unconventional medicine. Liquid minerals to give me more energy.
Day 1,608
Women's day
This day I could celebrate with only one woman because of my disease.
Day 1,609
Red like a brick
We have new fancy light bulbs above our brick wall. I was playing with different color settings and this one reminds me cool polish s...
Day 1,610
Back to business
I hope that I cured my pneumonia. It was almost two weeks since I stopped working. Now I feel that I have a huge backlog.
Day 1,611
I'm trying to run my old smartwatch. I'm almost cured so this watch may be useful when I'll start walking to the office again.
Day 1,613
Golden cards
My golden cards have finally arrived from Aliexpress. Like for $3 the quality is quite good. I can't wait to play with them on some kind...