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Michał Kulesza

Graphic designer, photographer and filmmaker. All full of passion. Living in Bialystok, Poland. Owner of Kul Studio. Mail me at
#5 237/365
1 streak
Day 1,653
Replacement car
I've got the replacement car for a time when my own car will be repaired. This is Hyundai Tucson and one thing I can tell about this I...
Day 1,540
Day 1,559
A quick visit to Emily's parents and same quick streak pic. It's almost tradition.
Day 1,564
Same view
The same view like a few weeks ago but this time captured by my S9+. I'll try my skills in mobile photography. I don't know for how long but...
Day 1,582
My recent diet food.
Day 1,594
We had a small party at our office
Day 1,642
Home office
It was a very busy day. I spent almost all day working at home till late night. Anyway, it was a very productive day.
Day 1,645
Spring is here
I feel it. The spring has finally arrived. This was the first serious bicycle trip. This time I made 56 kilometers. Quite satisfying fo...
Day 1,674
I don't do it willingly.
Day 1,529
Finally, we have our own Christmas tree. It's our third #sunday #light #dark #color #tree #sun #focus #detail #christmas #bokeh #winter #blur...
Day 1,555
Double decker
London again. Now just for two days. I'm helping for my friend to move to new place.
Day 1,562
Cutting up
Like every year, few weeks after New Year it's time to remove old Christmas tree.
Day 1,566
First on the list
I'm opening my and trying first beer. Friday evening is a good opportunity.
Day 1,569
Morning walk
I started to walk every day to the office. It's almost 6 kilometers on foot in both directions so it's quite small training. It's a good...
Day 1,574
Old PC
I was spending Saturday alone at home. Just drinking some beers and playing good old games on my PC.
Day 1,600
Driving home
Things get serious now. If I'm sick or not we have to keep inviting our guests for our wedding. Here's the pic from my smartphone from th...
Day 1,604
No idea
It's another day spent in bed. I have no idea what I should photograph. Also, I feel really bad about this time wasting while being sick.
Day 1,648
Yellow tulips
Small spring accent in our office. When I saw this, immediately a polish song came up to my mind.
Day 1,558
Own business
Much better today. I had a quite a busy and productive day. One beer after that will be enough.
Day 1,561
Today's sunset. I was in the right place. It's the view from our bedroom in the village. I took many photos of the same view before.
Day 1,570
Tuesday morning
Just another day before the walk to the office.
Day 1,577
Just another type of stormtrooper.
Day 1,587
Day 1,603
Much worse
Sunday was really bad for me. On Monday I have to go to the doctor to find out what's going on.