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Michał Kulesza

Graphic designer, photographer and filmmaker. All full of passion. Living in Bialystok, Poland. Owner of Kul Studio. Mail me at
#5 237/365
1 streak
Day 1,625
Give me inspiration
Working on a very serious project...
Day 1,626
Damn, what the weather! I already missed the snow. I was worried that spring has come too early.
Day 1,641
I grabbed the nearest object and took a photo with it. Let's say it's just another streak pic.
Day 1,662
Birthday party
It was a birthday party of my Emily's nephew. Good day, quite calmer than recently.
Day 1,530
Working at home today. It was a quite unproductive day because I felt sick. So in the case of this, it's a quick streak photo. Fortunately to...
Day 1,536
Day 1,548
Day 1,554
Today we were on the degustation of the new menu for this year. It's almost five months to our wedding.
Day 1,563
The back wall of a nearby hotel is glowing like gold.
Day 1,598
This evening
It looks like the next day I should spend in the bed.
Day 1,612
Searching for inspirations for current logo concept design.
Day 1,661
Spent almost all day working around the house. We had to lay down curbs to make some place for plant thujas. The weather for work was good des...
Day 1,542
Day 1,576
Measuring budget
A one-minute streak photo idea. Recently I'm quite busy because I'm designing my wedding invitations.
Day 1,584
Working late
When I have completely no idea for a photo, I will take a picture of my laptop's screen.
Day 1,588
My Saturday walk was 8 km's long. I have to take many walks like this before I start running. For now, this is enough.
Day 1,602
Saturday night
Just like this. After another round of wedding invitation, we had a small dinner. Sunday will be even busier.
Day 1,611
I'm trying to run my old smartwatch. I'm almost cured so this watch may be useful when I'll start walking to the office again.
Day 1,630
It was our another visitation to invite family to our wedding. This time I took my camera and captured something... let's say... better than rec...
Day 1,640
Can't wait to see this tree blossoming.
Day 1,539
After Christmas I have some free days left so I decided to spend just one on typical wasting time playing on PS4.
Day 1,560
Fresh air
I had a small hangover after Friday night. Small walk into the forest was really helpful.
Day 1,589
Waiting for spring
I miss the summer when the exact view looked like this one -
Day 1,596
I have a small LED stripe and I don't know how can I use it in my photo project. Anyway, it's only a test to know how I can bend it. I'm trying...