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Mouhsine Idrissi

Born in Morocco, Moved to the united states in 1999, like all photographers i am not only observer anymore but a reporter,a historian and a story teller and once we have that instrument in our hands we are under oath to write history in form of pictures for the generations to come, that camera that we carry around acts like a remote control capable of freezing time permanently, records it for us and takes us back to it whenever we want to just by looking at the picture like if it is some sort of time machine, i can go on and on talking about the effect of the camera in our life and it will come to the same conclusion that at the end the camera does not take the picture, it's just a tool that we use, we don't take a picture we make it and we have to do it right as long as we decide when and how.
#2 76/365
113 streak
Day 377
Before the snow melts.
Finally i stoped in the middle of the highway and took this picture, looks like this is the last snow we gonna have this year....
Day 382
Power the city
On the road like everyday, the snow melted and the Spring is here, still little cold but feels good. #morning #friday #city #sky #power...
Day 383
Weekend in Connecticut.
You can't see me but I am inside this house in Connecticut watching Deep Water Horizon and enjoying the priceless view and the...
Day 384
Sunday Hike in Connecticut
Nothing better than been in the middle of silence and peaceful nature. #forest #trees #afternoon #landscape #sunday #tree #...
Day 385
Blocking the view.
More and more building are growing like trees blocking the views of the city. #morning #monday #water #sea #sky #view #ocean #trave...
Day 386
I call it Nature
Beauty is everywhere, we just have to see it. #afternoon #tuesday #art #snow #march #fineart
Day 387
Rules and laws of nature
#forest #nature #afternoon #wednesday #tree #christmas #plant #winter #snow #xmas #holiday #pine #march #fir #evergreen #seas...
Day 390
Where is the Spring ?
#morning #saturday #electricity #power #electric #cable #wire #line #april
Day 397
Fashion Show
#saturday #night #people #happiness #love #man #couple #wedding #dress #happy #male #april #marriage #groom #bride #adult #fashionshow
Day 403
The magic moment
#friday #evening #city #urban #sky #sunset #architecture #building #april
Day 405
Party to the morning
She was the last one to add her signature to the portrait signed by all the guest who came to celebrate her 16th birthday. #portr...
Day 406
Celebrating the end of life
This is the first time i witness music band playing at a graveyard, it gave me a feeling of happiness and didn't feel sad...
Day 407
Disability in not a handicap, nor an obstacle.
Everyday we complain about something and in the same time there are many others that do't have what we...
Day 408
Off we go
#wednesday #april
Day 409
Seeing some reading printed books or magazines is like seeing someone shooting film...
#thursday #afternoon #book #print #reader #april
Day 410
United up in the air
#friday #afternoon #sky #transport #transportation #fly #flying #travel #wing #engine #plane #flight #landing #military #airport...
Day 418
Keep calm, it's coffee time.
#afternoon #saturday #drink #coffee #cup #beverage #mug #calm #coffee-mug #april #pump #drinking-vessel #theme-red
Day 420
what makes good people look bad ??? I let you decide
It's so funny that at a bus stop where most people stand there don't drive or can't afford to buy...
Day 421
By air, by water...
#morning #night #downtown #tuesday #city #urban #sky #architecture #building #river #tower #buildings #skyline #manhattan #citysca...
Day 422
Blood test before chemo...
#morning #wednesday #people #man #business #person #male #may #adult #caucasian
Day 423
Lovely weather for the park.
#thursday #afternoon #landscape #sky #bench #bridge #fence #railing #may
Day 425
#morning #saturday #window #architecture #may #framework #supporting-structure
Day 426
Sunday morning in bed with the coffee PDN magazine and the dog.
#afternoon #sunday #may
Day 433
Chinatown, New York
Got to spend Mother's day this year in china town and while my the ladies went to got an hour foot massage, my son and I walked ar...