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Kyle Kokotajlo

#3 181/365
181 streak
Day 116
I know my wife is 10x more than I now that our infant daughter is home. Took a quick walk around my property to get some air and shoot real...
Day 155
Sun 660
I splurged on this camera a few years back and have had a lot of fun with it but its use is limited due to the high cost of film. I am gratefu...
Day 188
Tiger swallowtail.
Discovered a fun new park today when trying to branch out and find new shooting locations. #evening #tuesday #july
Day 193
Mourning dove flight.
Super busy weekend but a good weekend, looking forward to a down day tomorrow after all the running around. #evening #sunday #ju...
Day 196
Crow feather.
So much rain as of late... #evening #wednesday #july
Day 235
Pull over!
Great day spending time with some good friends and their kids. #evening #sunday #august
Day 384
Cable chaos.
Quick shot from work. #afternoon #tuesday #january #theme-chaos
Day 598
#morning #saturday #august
Day 62
Snow/ice storm win.
Of course they dimmed the lights on me, another busy day but rewarded for braving the storm. #evening #tuesday #march
Day 171
Wild raspberries.
#saturday #evening #june
Day 242
Small paper house.
Had a free day to shoot today but not feeling well at all after a fellow volunteer assured us he had "allergies". ugh. #afternoon #...
Day 314
Basic blocks.
Meh... little effort. #evening #tuesday #november #theme-colors
Day 410
Down the bagel hole.
Another cold day today so I took a little time to mess with some macro shots of food. #evening #sunday #february
Day 502
I have been lucky lately with some photogenic avian friends. #evening #monday #may
Day 555
Cumulous nimbus thunder cloud.
Really upset that I couldn't get my MF correct on this one, I had very cooperative storm but it appears I blew my chanc...
Day 49
Holes in wood PART 2
Title says it all. #afternoon #wednesday #february
Day 92
Spring like.
65 degrees Fahrenheit today, a taste of spring. Looks like the plants are ready too. #thursday #evening #april
Day 148
More sky.
Messing around outside before before bed and before my time is up for today. #thursday #night #may
Day 189
Hummingbird Moth.
My new favorite creature, totally amazing to observe. #evening #wednesday #july
Day 239
Dogwood berries.
These berries come from dogwood flowers from earlier in the spring. I have seen birds pecking at these quite frequently especially be...
Day 100
The leg.
Sick today, so I was pretty sessile all day. Have taken the easy way out as of recently. Post, picture 100 I will have to work harder on my c...
Day 161
Indoor frisbee.
Lazy tonight but this was colorful so it caught my eye. Meh. #evening #wednesday #june
Day 169
Wet web.
Still too wet to mow the lawn. #thursday #evening #june
Day 325
#morning #saturday #november