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Kyle Kokotajlo

#3 181/365
181 streak
Day 824
I usually don't heavily edit my photos, but I just went for it because I didn't feel like shooting today and this was the last thing I could do at 10p...
Day 826
Trying to not quit here, just not feeling it this 3rd time around after what felt like a good start.
Day 827
Koda the loud, as I like to call him. My sister's boyfriend's dog. Handsome but loud.
Day 828
Been awhile since I have crewed and chased for a balloon, beautiful morning to do so.
Day 829
Super warm today, trying to get out and see if I could photograph some early migrants. I did have some good luck but poor lighting. I believe this is...
Day 830
Day 831
American Robin.
Day 832
Pretty ill today, maybe food poisoning. Low effort work.
Day 833
Low effort continued.
Day 834
My wife is away for work so it has made a stretch of 4 days difficult to muster any effort. Screwing around last minute with flash and maple buds.
Day 835
Rain held off, decided to have a mid day fire... why not?
Day 836
Lame, Monday I want to quit my project picture.
Day 837
Day 838
Neuroscience building.
Day 839
Day 840
I like the light and it was an absolute last minute picture and this last minute post. Trying to stay alive here.
Day 841
We birders call these guys butter butts, proper name is yellow-rumped warbler.
Day 842
Wood thrush.
Day 844
Red-winged blackbird.
Day 845
Yellow warbler. Good migration day today, really wished I skipped work to enjoy the weather and look for birds.
Day 846
Got up a few minutes earlier to look for birds in my yard before leaving for work, no luck.
Day 847
Took a walk looking for birds again in between rain fronts moving through on my way home from work.
Day 848
Chipping sparrow.
Day 849
I like food photography but I rarely practice myself, ended up trying shots of our tuna steaks we had for dinner.