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Kyle Kokotajlo

#3 181/365
181 streak
Day 874
Day 875
Two day road trip to Chicago area for vacation. Stopping to eating oagies for dinner on the way to our first stop, Ohio.
Day 876
On vacation fighting to stay on top of these photos by exporting to my phone.
Day 877
Day 878
Baltimore Oriole at Schlitz Audubon Center outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Day 880
The Bean.
Day 881
Red-headed woodpecker near Lake Michigan.
Day 882
Drove home from our vacation near Chicago, 13 hours of driving. Picture taken somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania while my wife drove 70mph on the...
Day 883
Get back from a long road trip, immediately get on the road again and head to the shore for a birthday party. Why not?
Day 884
Fortunate enough to get out of the house for a few hours to have an anniversary dinner with my wife in New Hope.
Day 885
Day 886
Day 887
Day 888
New trail near my house I discovered.
Day 889
Picture from my travels at work today.
Day 890
Somehow I got a picture today, didn't think it was going to happen.
Day 891
My father-in-law's old extension tubes he gave me in case I ended up using some old manual lenses for my Fuji. They basically work as a blocker for my...
Day 892
Day 893
Just a farm.
Day 894
Day 895
Day 896
Day 897
Day 898