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Marta Tomaszewska

Never pretended to be a photographer, although photography is one of my major hobbies. Welcome to my world =)
#5 146/365
17 streak
Day 646
#646 [281]
This is a view that I should see more often. This 365 project is not the only thing that I'm doing meanwhile other things. I also learn to...
Day 647
#647 [282]
I think I missed early bird theme...
Day 648
#648 [283]
Waiting for the Rodrigo y Gabriela concert. Maybe I'm a bit crazy to get into a car and drive trough half a country for a single concert, b...
Day 649
#649 [284]
When you're just a little kid and one plush toy is not safe enough solution :)
Day 650
#650 [285]
I'm amazed that we're managed to meet each month (or even more often) with my friends for playing music and singing for 50 times! It's not...
Day 651
#651 [286]
Streak leaf.
Day 652
#652 [287]
This very moment when you go out from work and there is spring outside at last.
Day 653
#653 [288]
My mother's magnolia started blooming.
Day 654
#654 [289]
While being whole day at my parents holiday house I was sure that I've taken some more "dedicated" pic for 365. But it seems that I've almo...
Day 655
#655 [290]
I'm keep coming back in this place each time I'm at my parents holiday house. I'm calling it "my tree". There were two few years ago. And I...
Day 657
#657 [292]
My bike got brand new sets of all gearwhells. It's amazing how the comfort of riding increased...
Day 658
#658 [293]
Ready, steady, go... On Friday I'll try to fly somewhere far away from here.
Day 659
#659 [294]
You can't have two children and make something good for only one of them. So my second "spare" bike had a little service today also... ;-)
Day 660
#660 [295]
Landing in Panama on my way to Guatemala. Only 9 days of holidays but it always better than nothing :)
Day 661
#661 [296]
I didn't realized why buses in Guatemala are named "chicken buses" until I went to bus station in Antigua. You literally travel with chicke...
Day 662
#662 [297]
The very standard view on Antigua with Agua volcano in the background. It's pictured on the most of the postcards from the city. And what's...
Day 663
#663 [298]
The main reason to go to Guatemala was to see Vulcano de Fuego. It's quite active one - eruption went each 5 to 10 minutes and was amazing...
Day 666
#666 [301]
Colors on Guatemalan markets are amazing. They traditional clothes are quite colorful and there is a lot of stands when you can buy colorfu...
Day 667
#667 [302]
Seeing an erupting volcano is a one thing. But walking on active one is also amazing. Pacaya is not erupting like Fuego, it's rather having...
Day 668
#668 [303]
The last look at Fuego. It was nice because I didn't expected that :)
Day 669
#669 [304]
Going back home... I love travelling but I also love going back. I don't usually take such selfies but I had to make it. I had to register...
Day 670
#670 [305]
One day you're climbing volcano and the other you attend birthday party of 2 years old :)
Day 671
#671 [306]
This is the best pic you can take being an aunt and having "family day" ;-)
Day 672
#672 [307]
My dad is the man, who gave me the largest amount of flowers in my life ♥