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Marta Tomaszewska

Never pretended to be a photographer, although photography is one of my major hobbies. Welcome to my world =)
#5 146/365
17 streak
Day 406
#406 [041]
I need this story here. It could be quite long. But I can't believe it still. I have a friend, close friend from high school, who moved to...
Day 407
#407 [042]
I spend of my childhood holidays on Jeziorak as my grandpa built yacht. Now my cousin is sailing it and I'm very happy when I manage to fin...
Day 408
#408 [043]
This moment when after whole day on (or in) the water you can sit down with your friends and family, with a beer in your hand, grill on the...
Day 410
#410 [045]
It's hard to be a skipper, have very nice winds trough a day and make a decent photos from sailing. So just another sunset. It was really g...
Day 411
#411 [046]
Last day under sails. Another great day with decent winds and wonderful mood. I have to find the way to make it longer next year... #outdoo...
Day 413
#413 [048]
And this is exactly the same view like yesterday. Just like that - empty sky. It's a bit unbelievable that it could looked like that https:...
Day 415
#415 [050]
After holiday break I'm again back in the Open Voice Studio and it's garden. I took this photo before lesson, just like that, rather not wi...
Day 416
#416 [051]
Just a streak sunset. It was busy day and I just stopped on the way to my parents to take it. #outdoors #friday #evening #landscape #tree #...
Day 417
#417 [052]
I've realized few days ago that if not this weekend I won't be able to go to pick up mushrooms till October. I decided to do it despite rai...
Day 418
#418 [053]
Just a streak sculpture that my mom bought some years ago somewhere in the moutains. She has quite a nice collection of sculptures of that...
Day 420
#420 [055]
Just a streak violin :) I've met with friends for our monthly music meeting and I almost forgot that I have to take a photo a day ;) fortun...
Day 422
#422 [057]
Almost-weekly update from Open Voice Studio garden. Nice to have floral theme ;-) #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #green #color #par...
Day 423
#423 [058]
My grandma is here. Maybe I should make any other streak photo, but I want to have this image here. It's a most important part of my life r...
Day 424
#424 [059]
After few exhausting days my best friend come to visit me for a while in the evening. Having a drink was the only choice we could have. It'...
Day 425
#425 [060]
Streak sky. I just looked up on my way. Sometimes it's good to look up. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #sunday #light #tree #sun #...
Day 426
#426 [061]
This is the least touched photo I've made since I don't know when. I had a feeling that every slider in LR only spoils this view. It's very...
Day 427
#427 [062]
This is the only photo I've made today. I'm happy I've even remember of taking it. #evening #wood #house #tuesday #street #urban #steel #wa...
Day 428
#428 [063]
Some bushes on my way to work. #morning #outdoors #nature #leaves #green #color #wednesday #tree #park #garden #leaf #flower #texture #patt...
Day 429
#429 [064]
My grandma needs to stay in care institution for some time after breaking her leg and hand, so I've organized her a mobile phone for that t...
Day 430
#430 [065]
This moment when you realize that accidentally your outfit comply with tookapic weekly theme ;-) #friday #afternoon #food #breakfast #drink...
Day 431
#431 [066]
It's quite interesting how the way I process photos depends on my mood and overall situation. Recent period of my life was quite stressful....
Day 432
#432 [067]
I just wonder if you find out what is it... ;-) #afternoon #sunday #light #reflection #drink #colors #technology #circles #desktop #abstrac...
Day 433
#433 [068]
Just a macaroni. Because I bought bigger fusilli than usual ;-) #nature #food #evening #monday #sea #blur #desktop #closeup #still-life #on...
Day 434
#434 [069]
Bed! Sleep! There is no better thing. I'm constantly tired and overloaded recently. The moment when I can go to bed is the best of the whol...