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Marta Tomaszewska

Never pretended to be a photographer, although photography is one of my major hobbies. Welcome to my world =)
#5 146/365
17 streak
Day 534
#534 [169]
#534 [169] The real winter is coming. And there is no escape from Christmas decorations everywhere ;-) #theme-christmas-spirit #christmas-tree #lights...
Day 533
#533 [168]
#533 [168] I've finally made my Christmas tree ;-) Since 2 or 3 years I don't have a live one, as I'm not at home for the most of time. But such hand-...
Day 535
#535 [170]
#535 [170] Decoration in my office building. @pawelkadysz - you need to know, that I was already in my bed, when I saw an evil little box on my phone...
Day 536
#536 [171]
#536 [171] Nearby office building is displaying huge Christmas tree since the beginning of December. I think it's nice :) #christmas-tree #theme-chris...
Day 537
#537 [172]
#537 [172] Uszka - a kind of Polish dumplings eaten in soup - in my home it's always a clear mushroom soup. I think I've made about 400 of them this y...
Day 539
#539 [174]
#539 [174] I haven't been in cinema for ages. It's always lack of time. But during Christmas I've manage to find some time each day and saw "The Star...
Day 540
#540 [175]
#540 [175] What else one needs in the Christmas morning? ;-) #theme-lazy #christmas-cookie #coffee #circle
Day 545
#545 [180]
#545 [180] Yes, you should see a lot of mountains right there! ;-)
Day 546
#546 [181]
#546 [181] "Betlejemka" - a shelter of Polish mountaineering association. I've spent there a New Year's Eve with my friends. It was great! :)
Day 547
#547 [182]
#547 [182] Going back home. In that very moment I've enjoyed winter - there was a 30cm of fresh snow. I wasn't aware then that I'll spend over 15 hour...
Day 548
#548 [183]
#548 [183] I needed to expand my NAS storage. There is so much photos that I've taken and didn't touch. I need to publish them more. Need to keep up m...
Day 549
#549 [184]
#549 [184] I'm trying to order different things one by one. And I've just discovered that I have a lot of different teas from all over the world. And...
Day 550
#550 [185]
#550 [185] More lazy morning with nothing but a coffee! Definitely! #theme-resolutions #coffee #mug #hand #bracelet #blanket #green #relax
Day 552
#552 [187]
#552 [187] There is no winter in Gdańsk, so just and artificial snowflake. #theme-winter #snowflake #crochet #crochet-decoration #decoration
Day 553
#553 [188]
#553 [188] Cooking time! I have to admit that having a black sink is quite a nice idea in terms of photography ;-)
Day 554
#554 [189] My teacher borrowed me her mic for tests. But sometimes I have a feeling that no equipment will help me unless I'll order some things in my...
Day 556
#556 [191]
The moment when you order a book with own pickup in the store to have free delivery and then you exit this store with this book and 3 LP ex...
Day 557
#557 [192]
One of the things I want to introduce this year is drinking a black coffee. I've always had latte style one. But now it revealed that I sho...
Day 558
#558 [193]
It was a hard day... I've spent many hours packing things in the flat that my grandma left. It's almost 3 months after her death now, but i...
Day 560
#560 [195]
I've bought additional HDD recently. And since then I have problems with my PC. For no reason it's stopping to recognize drives, but in the...
Day 561
#561 [196]
It's amazing how some words are true forever. Yes, indeed the madness of man is terrifying. Still. Again. // pic of Edward Stachura poem/so...
Day 562
#562 [197]
My mum made some reorganization in her storage and found out box full of LEGO. I couldn't resist when she showed me it.
Day 563
#563 [198]
We had workshops from "team forming" at work. They were quite interesting. And it revealed that my friend is quite good at doodles :)
Day 564
#564 [199]
Today was funeral of Major of Gdańsk stabbed to death last Sunday, during WOŚP finals. #flowers #black-and-white #bw #contrast