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I like the image in photography, in painting, in cinema , ..... I want to capture the moment , details , an atmosphere , colors, ... And I hope to make progress with this challenge!
#4 158/365
158 streak
Day 1,253
Day 1,252
Day 1,251
Not a prison, the school stairs, a long exam day , but not the last one
Day 1,250
Day 1,249
Day 1,248
Exams room!
Day 1,247
Day 1,246
Day 1,245
Day 1,244
Day 1,243
Day 1,242
Dog or...
Day 1,241
Day 1,240
Day 1,239
Day 1,238
Day 1,237
Tour de pays de Vaud
International junior cyclist race #theme-fitness
Day 1,236
Day 1,235
Day 1,234
Day 1,233
Day 1,232
Day 1,231
Day 1,230