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#7 138/365
4 streak
Day 1,286
Almost Opaque
Day 1,293
End of day. In the garden #theme-at-home
Day 1,308
Day 1,326
Muffin Schmuffin
They looked good. They smelled good. They tasted foul. That’s what I get for using a very-past-date corn muffin mix... #theme-orange
Day 1,349
Cotton Scarf
Day 1,350
The Wall
Day 1,365
Sunday Afternoon
Day 1,396
Giant Burdock
Part of a “Nature and Industry” al fresco art show in the Vallée de Joux. My neighbor’s work - it’s been “growing” outside my front door...
Day 1,415
Sports Statue
New statue down by the lake. Soccer? Wrestling? Well, something sporty! #theme-sports
Day 1,417
Back Wheel
...Of my exercise bike #theme-sports
Day 1,443
Chanteloup's Eyes
Day 1,445
Idyl's Eyes
Day 1,456
Once a Year
Every year I post a picture of these hibiscuses that I love #theme-countryside
Day 1,149
The Scream
Day 1,157
Tour du Molard
Downtown Geneva #theme-arch
Day 1,178
Incongruous Umbrella
I have no idea what it’s doing there #theme-forgotten
Day 1,191
Messy Fuzzy Tech
Day 1,222
Brick Edging
They used to be bricks but got worn down and broken up into random shapes before being used to edge the grass... I figure they still qual...
Day 1,232
Kitchen Implements
Just to finish out the week... #theme-tidy
Day 1,245
Early Morning
Loved the light this morning
Day 1,247
Quinox and Eirinn
Day 1,249
Driving Home
Day 1,251
The Blur
I’s so fast you can’t see me!!! I’s the FlashDog! #theme-in-motion
Day 1,255
Into the Bar
Okay, so it’s really through the window, not out the window, but I’m taking poetic license! #theme-out-the-window