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#7 240/365
38 streak
Day 1,460
Sun on Leaves
Whoo, just hit four years. Not sure how that happened... #theme-weather
Day 1,459
Blue Sky
Day 1,458
Dapples of Sun
With blue sky through the trees #theme-weather
Day 1,457
Duel in the Sun
Another faceoff... Quinox is very wary of Isha the shepherd, who always tries to shepherd him. The shadow shows the sun is shining bri...
Day 1,456
Once a Year
Every year I post a picture of these hibiscuses that I love #theme-countryside
Day 1,455
Behind the Tree
Day 1,454
Eirinn at Night
Last minute streak shot
Day 1,453
Marley, standing guard #theme-countryside
Day 1,452
The Sky
Day 1,451
Red Tractor
Day 1,450
Empty Field in the Woods
Day 1,449
Isha & Idyl
BFFs - I felt like I was interfering! #theme-eyes
Day 1,448
Selfie with Mask
The new normal... #theme-eyes
Day 1,447
Isha, Again
I think Isha thinks he’s hooman... #theme-eyes
Day 1,446
Dessert @ Karne
The « café gourmand » or « greedy coffee » which is basically a coffee with a selection of tiny desserts (Soooooo good!!!)
Day 1,445
Idyl's Eyes
Day 1,444
Flower Bush
Day 1,443
Chanteloup's Eyes
Day 1,442
Walking the Dogs
Early morning before it gets too hot - well, early for a Sunday! #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,441
Carouge Again
The pennants have changed... #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,440
"My" Butterfly
Every time I sit outside at the end of the day to enjoy the weather, this little guy shows up to say hello... #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,439
Summer Rain Against the Plexiglass
Luigia’s, downtown Nyon #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,438
Summer Yummies
Drinks and tapas in Carouge #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,437
Dapples of Sun