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#7 138/365
4 streak
Day 1,236
Last time there was a bunch of Tookapickers on those stairs... #theme-superior-interior
Day 1,291
Perfectly at home... #theme-at-home
Day 1,296
Monster time! Also streak shot 😂 #theme-creepy
Day 1,324
Symphony in Orange
Chanteloup #theme-orange
Day 1,336
Motherboard 5
Day 1,351
Lone Poppy
Surprising to find one in the gravel
Day 1,357
Rose Petal
Day 1,439
Summer Rain Against the Plexiglass
Luigia’s, downtown Nyon #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,441
Carouge Again
The pennants have changed... #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,100
Queens & the Joker
I’m sure it’s symbolic of something... not sure what, though! 😄 #theme-games
Day 1,129
I discovered how much I love taking pix of flowers... #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,150
Halloween at the Mall
Day 1,211
Last Jingle
A last shot of the mini-tree and reindeer before the tree gets planted in the garden and the reindeer goes into storage for next year... #...
Day 1,227
Candy on Plate
All in a row... #theme-tidy
Day 1,244
Mall Bar
Day 1,268
Snowdrops Sans Snow
Spring is in the air... but snow is expected in a couple of days
Day 1,282
Through the Brick
Day 1,294
Just because they’re pretty and they’re next to my front door. And my fridge is too full to do a pandemic-fridge pic
Day 1,317
Sprouting Twig
Day 1,337
Motherboard Last
Day 1,355
More black on black #theme-minimal-still-life
Day 1,370
Double Double Toil and Toil and Trouble
... in the cauldron boil and bubble... Actually orange mustard sauce and rather yummy #theme-kitchen
Day 1,398
Day 1,427
New Shoes