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#7 138/365
4 streak
Day 1,331
Day 1,333
Too pretty today to ignore
Day 1,341
Day 1,342
Someone saw a mouse? #theme-shadow-play
Day 1,376
Morning Rose
With dew (or is that rain?) and all... #theme-morning
Day 1,422
Spritz, Pesto, Chips...
I might make a theme out of things consumed at my garden table! These are all variations of classics: the spritz is made with...
Day 1,429
Tomaytoes Tomahtoes
Day 1,442
Walking the Dogs
Early morning before it gets too hot - well, early for a Sunday! #theme-summer-vibes
Day 1,099
Mysterious Dots 6
Last one... #theme-dots
Day 1,102
Streaky Starry Roses
I took some shots of the insanely gorgeous sunset tonight, but they’re nowhere near what I was seeing... so here’s a streaky shot...
Day 1,112
Early or Late?
Got back late last night, took a quick shot in the dark... #theme-dark
Day 1,116
Streak!! #theme-squaresi
Day 1,117
Another streak!
Day 1,127
And... Aragon!
To finish the week, Aragon stood still for two seconds... #theme-doggos
Day 1,133
Morning Walk
The dogs again!!! Jess and Quinox, with Eirinn behind
Day 1,136
More Leaves
I guess it’s actually Leaf Week! #theme-fall
Day 1,142
Food is Art
Dinner at the Bologne #theme-art
Day 1,144
Nyon, Early Evening
Strange and sad day. Funeral for a friend... in Nyon, on a Wednesday. I’m usually here on Wednesday, but it was sad to be here for...
Day 1,145
Laughing Man
Day 1,148
Huh what? They’re still there? So strange
Day 1,159
Streaky streaky #theme-arch
Day 1,167
I's So Beyootifull!!
Isha... such a cutie! Smiled for me.., #theme-smile
Day 1,176
In Creation
The statue’s getting bigger... #theme-steel
Day 1,177
Wine Glass
Forgotten on a table in an Irish pub... #theme-forgotten