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#7 134/365
1 streak
Day 1,047
On a column #theme-negative-space
Day 1,046
Roses in Black
Streaky streaky #theme-negative-Space
Day 1,045
Rose & Sky
Still aiming for the theme... #theme-negative-space
Day 1,044
Thinking this qualifies for the theme?😂 #theme-negative-space
Day 1,043
And a last one in the French Jura... heading home
Day 1,042
Still in the French Jura... Canoed around the Lac de Chalain. Sandy beaches, minimum tourists...
Day 1,041
Somewhere in the French Jura mountains...
Day 1,040
Tracks in the Field
No time for thought today...
Day 1,039
Top of the Cathedral
Got to clamber up the gazillions steps to the top of the St Pierre cathedral to show the view to a visiting friend. Great workout...
Day 1,038
In the Breeze
Day 1,037
Jumping Quinox
He’s back... in a blur! #theme-motion-blur
Day 1,036
Quinox Wabbitt
Quinox with his ears in a bow. He kindly posed for a streak pic
Day 1,035
Walking in Shadow
Walking the dogs... Quinox tends to stick in my shadow when it’s hot out #theme-fitness
Day 1,034
Vintage Exercise Bike 2
My second exercise bike... another vintage. Still works! #theme-fitness
Day 1,033
Fitness? Schmitness!
Chanteloup laughing at my suggestion to go for a walk. Happy chillin’ In the garden.,,
Day 1,032
Morning Planks
Five mornings a week, break for two days, repeat... they never get any easier! #theme-fitness
Day 1,031
Wading Pool
Actually the dog’s pool now... I was going to take a picture of my feet in it, call it “Swimming” and add it to the theme, but after all t...
Day 1,030
Vintage Exercice Bike
Slowly slowly... too hot #theme-fitness
Day 1,029
Cooling Off
Hot today...
Day 1,028
Streaky streaky
Day 1,027
Quick shot, no time...
Day 1,026
Little People Paddling
Day 1,025
Looking Back
On the bridge again. Took a shot in the other direction for once
Day 1,024
Tiny Humans?
Okay, doesn’t really work! If the theme was tiny people then yes, because dogs are people too, right?... 😄🐾