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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,355
Community Library
Day 1,354
Day 1,353
Theme Photo
Day 1,352
Brewing Storm
Day 1,351
New Church Pews
Day 1,350
One can clearly see the crystal shape of calcite.
Day 1,349
Day 1,348
St. Gregory's Church At Night
Day 1,347
Late Night Snack
After visiting my mother-in-law my wife and I stop at this place which we pass by on our way home. We always order a small box of fri...
Day 1,346
After The Rain
Day 1,345
The Photographic Eye
Photography channel that deals more with the ‘why’ of photography and less on gears and software.
Day 1,344
Day 1,343
Forestry Trail
Day 1,342
Wall Art
Day 1,341
Day 1,340
Gym Night
Day 1,339
Homemade Protein Bars
First attempt using dates, homemade peanut butter, rolled oats, mixed nuts, and raisins. In the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degre...
Day 1,338
Day 1,337
Two Sea Gulls
A watercolour painting by my wife.
Day 1,336
Looking Out
Day 1,335
Day 1,334
Day 1,333
Fire Hydrant
Day 1,332
Deja Vu
Very similar photo to the one I took exactly a year ago.