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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 132/365
1 streak
Day 1,592
Day 1,591
Men At Work (#5/131)
Day 1,590
Day 1,589
Day 1,588
Day 1,587
After The Rain (#5/127)
One of the very times that I get to see a full rainbow.
Day 1,586
Lemon Season (#5/126)
Day 1,585
Eastern Blue Tongued Skink (#5/125)
Enjoying the Australian autumn sun.
Day 1,584
Day 1,583
Day 1,582
Day 1,581
Day 1,580
Day 1,579
Day 1,578
Day 1,577
Day 1,576
Day 1,575
Day 1,574
Day 1,573
Day 1,572
Day 1,571
Day 1,570
Day 1,569