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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,163
A Busy Bee
Day 1,162
Three Pencils
Day 1,161
Another Flower Photo
Cannot go anywhere due to a two-week lock down. That's why the last couple of days have been photos of flowers from the garden.
Day 1,160
Day 1,159
Day 1,158
Day 1,157
Day 1,156
Day 1,155
Day 1,154
Three Sisters
Day 1,153
Metro Rail Parking Station
After having lost my job last July 2020, I started a new one today.
Day 1,152
Yesterday was the coldest day in NSW since 1899. The max temp was 10.3 celsius at 2:00 pm. Snow fell in places which are higher than 500 metres a...
Day 1,151
Lemon Tree
Day 1,150
Day 1,149
Day 1,148
Australian Grey Egret
Day 1,147
Australian Python
Day 1,146
Day 1,145
Day 1,144
Day 1,143
Day 1,142
Day 1,141
Day 1,140